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Pet Dental Care

To stop bone loss and tissue inflammation, regular dental exams and cleanings under general anesthetic are crucial.

Pet Dental Care

Regular dental checkups for dogs and cats are just as vital as they are for you. The general health of your pet is closely related to how they feel in their mouth.

Pet dental care is an important part of maintaining your pet’s overall health. Your pet’s teeth and gums should be assessed by your vet annually for early signs of problems & to keep your pet’s mouth healthy and free from pain.

Common signs of dental problems:

  • Bad breath
  • Broken or loose teeth
  • Discoloration
  • Tartar
  • Abnormal chewing, drooling or dropping food
  • Reduced appetite or refusal to eat
  • Swelling in or around the mouth

Dental includes:

Anesthesia – in order to perform a full dental exam, the patient will need to be anesthetized.At Glenwood City Vet Clinic, we tailer the anesthesia protocol for your pet based on a variety of factors such as your pet’s breed, weight, age, and health. While under anesthesia, your pet will be connected to an electronic monitoring system. A trained veterinary technician will be at your pet’s side, responding to feedback from the electronic monitoring system & using hands-on clinical experience to manage your pet’s proper anesthetic depth.

Bloodwork – We recommend bloodwork on all patients undergoing anesthesia. The blood work can help verify your pet is as healthy as possible or uncover previously undiagnosed conditions. This can help us customize the medication needed before, during, and after the procedure.

Dental radiographs – Dental radiographs are an important part of a core dental cleaning. Most dental disease is hidden below the gum line and can be missed on an oral exam. Our pets are unable to tell us where it hurts & radiographs give us the opportunity to relieve their pain and improve their quality of life.

Dental Cleaning – The best way to maintain your pet’s oral health is by keeping their teeth cleaned. Our veterinary technicians will clean any plaque or tartar from the crowns of the teeth as well as above the gum line. Once the tartar is removed, all teeth will receive a polish to keep the crowns healthy.

Dental Extractions – At Glenwood City Vet Clinic, our veterinarians are trained to assess the status of your pet’s teeth and extract any teeth that may be damaged, infected, and causing your pet pain.