Pet Reproduction Services
In your neighborhood, the Glenwood City Veterinary Clinic is pleased to provide pet reproduction services. For more information, read on.
Pet Reproduction Services
It’s a pleasure for us to serve reputable animal breeders in the region, as well as provide reproductive services to pet owners who might be dealing with an unexpected cat or dog pregnancy.

- Breeding management and ovulation timing
- Breeding soundness examination
- Estrus induction
- Artificial insemination with:
- Fresh semen
- Liquid, chilled semen
- Frozen semen
- Transcervical insemination (TCI) – Surgical insemination
- Infertility workups
- Pregnancy diagnosis (ultrasounds)
- Pregnancy monitoring
- High risk pregnancy management
- Whelping management – medical and surgical
- Elective & Emergency C-sections
- Hormonal evaluation and monitoring
- Semen collection and evaluation
- Semen shipment
- Semen freezing
- Breeding soundness examination
- Infertility workups
- Management of the subfertile dog
- Prostatic evaluation and disease management
- Freezing of semen from testicles in case of neuter or death.